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Monday, June 30, 2008

An Intentional Spin that Cause The Cessna 172S to Crash

An Intentional Spin that Cause The Cessna 172S to CrashLast Monday, a report about a Cessna 172S Skyhawk was crashed near the Oceanside. Today, they already confirmed what is the main cause of the tragedy where there are three men aboard.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the said Cessna aircraft was owned by San Diego Flight Training International, Inc and it is under personal rental flight. It is under provisions of part 91 of the FAR

The aircraft has three men aboard, one pilot and two passengers and the pilot of the said aircraft has a contact to another pilot on another aircraft that was operated by the company. The first pilot told the second pilot that he is going to put the N2436F into a spin and the said spin is good and the pilot easily recovered. He then asked the second pilot that he will spin again, so the pilot climbed up to a 7000 feet altitude and do another spin. But, unfortunately the second spin didn't turned good. That cause the N2436F to spin all the way until it crash into the water in a nose-down attitude.

And according to the news last Monday, only one survived and the other two passengers are presumed dead.